Thursday, October 11, 2018

Running on Ritalin: A Physician Reflects on Children, Society, and Performance in a Pill .pdf download by Lawrence H. Diller

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In a book as provocative and newsworthy as Listening to Prozac and Driven to Distraction, a physician speaks out on America's epidemic level of diagnoses for attention deficit disorder, and on the drug that has become almost a symbol of our times: Ritalin.  

In 1997 alone, nearly five million people in the United States were prescribed Ritalin--most of them young children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.  Use of this drug, which is a stimulant related to amphetamine, has increased by 700 percent since 1990.  And this phenomenon appears to be uniquely American: 90 percent of the world's Ritalin is.
Running on Ritalin: A Physician Reflects on Children, Society, and Performance in a Pill books pdf online
Running on Ritalin: A Physician Reflects on Children, Society, and Performance in a Pill ebook
Running on Ritalin: A Physician Reflects on Children, Society, and Performance in a Pill pdf free download
Running on Ritalin: A Physician Reflects on Children, Society, and Performance in a Pill pdf download

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